#ASH18: Cel­gene of­fers up a stel­lar com­plete re­sponse rate for JCAR017. Will any­one no­tice?

It’s get­ting hard­er and hard­er to make a splash with per­son­al­ized CAR-Ts for leukemia and lym­phoma, but Cel­gene is giv­ing it a go to­day at ASH.

Their CAR-T team at Juno — now a sub­sidiary of Cel­gene’s — of­fered up a stel­lar round of ob­jec­tive re­spons­es rates for JCAR017 in their Phase I/II study for a small group of high-risk pa­tients suf­fer­ing from drug re­sis­tant chron­ic lym­pho­cyt­ic leukemia and small lym­pho­cyt­ic lym­phoma.

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