Astel­las en­lists Pep­tiDream in search for pro­tein de­graders as it looks to act fast in hot field

In its lat­est push in­to the field of tar­get­ed pro­tein degra­da­tion, Astel­las has tapped fel­low Japan­ese com­pa­ny Pep­tiDream for a re­search col­lab­o­ra­tion and li­cens­ing deal.

Astel­las is pay­ing $21 mil­lion (¥3 bil­lion) up­front to kick-start dis­cov­ery work on two tar­gets it se­lects. It has the op­tion to add three more tar­gets to the deal, with $150 mil­lion (¥20.6 bil­lion) per tar­get on the ta­ble in the form of mile­stones in ad­di­tion to roy­al­ties.

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