Astel­las paus­es Au­den­tes' gene ther­a­py pro­gram again af­ter 'ab­nor­mal' liv­er tests in yet an­oth­er set­back

Au­dentes’ trou­bled the gene ther­a­py pro­gram for a rare and dev­as­tat­ing mus­cle wast­ing dis­ease isn’t yet out of the woods.

The Astel­las sub­sidiary has once again halt­ed a tri­al for its X-linked my­otubu­lar my­opa­thy can­di­date, the Japan­ese Phar­ma an­nounced, af­ter a se­ri­ous ad­verse event emerged in which re­searchers ob­served “ab­nor­mal liv­er func­tion tests” with­in the first month of dos­ing. The hold is vol­un­tary for now, but Astel­las left open the pos­si­bil­i­ty of re­ceiv­ing an of­fi­cial FDA no­tice.

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