Astel­las wins ap­proval for menopause hot flash treat­ment Veozah

Astel­las has won ap­proval for its non­hor­mon­al hot flash treat­ment, af­ter hit­ting a de­lay ear­li­er this year.

The FDA cleared a 45 mg dai­ly dose of fe­zo­line­tant, now mar­ket­ed as Veozah, to treat mod­er­ate to se­vere va­so­mo­tor symp­toms (VMS), the tech­ni­cal term be­hind hot flash­es, due to menopause. While up to 80% of women will ex­pe­ri­ence hot flash­es in their life­times, about 70% go un­treat­ed, Astel­las said.

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