As­traZeneca dis­putes IRA’s or­phan drug pro­vi­sions in lat­est le­gal chal­lenge to the law

As­traZeneca is the lat­est phar­ma com­pa­ny to chal­lenge the In­fla­tion Re­duc­tion Act in court, this time ze­ro­ing in on the law’s pro­vi­sions around or­phan drugs.

The com­pa­ny filed a com­plaint Fri­day in US Dis­trict Court for the Dis­trict of Delaware, ar­gu­ing that the drug price ne­go­ti­a­tion pro­vi­sions in the IRA “run head­long” in­to the Or­phan Drug Act, which was passed in 1983 and is in­tend­ed to en­cour­age com­pa­nies to in­vest in treat­ments for rare dis­eases.

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