As­traZeneca ex­pands stake in cell and gene ther­a­py part­ner Cel­lec­tis

UK phar­ma gi­ant As­traZeneca on Mon­day un­veiled an­oth­er $140 mil­lion eq­ui­ty in­vest­ment in cell and gene ther­a­py part­ner Cel­lec­tis.

As­traZeneca now owns 44% of Cel­lec­tis’ share cap­i­tal and has 30% of the part­ner’s vot­ing rights. Two As­traZeneca lead­ers, Alex­ion CEO Marc Dunoy­er and cor­po­rate de­vel­op­ment ex­ec­u­tive di­rec­tor Tyrell Rivers, are al­so now on Cel­lec­tis’ board.

As­traZeneca’s in­vest­ment in its Paris-based part­ner was pre­vi­ous­ly planned, the com­pa­nies said Mon­day morn­ing.

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