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As­traZeneca ex­pands tree-plant­i­ng ini­tia­tive with an­oth­er $400M to plant 200M trees by 2030

As­traZeneca is ex­pand­ing its cli­mate change and sus­tain­abil­i­ty strat­e­gy to in­vest an ad­di­tion­al $400 mil­lion in­to plant­i­ng 200 mil­lion trees by 2030 and sup­port its goal of re­mov­ing its resid­ual at­mos­pher­ic emis­sions from that year on­ward.

The com­pa­ny is build­ing on its orig­i­nal promise, made in 2020, to plant more than 50 mil­lion trees by the end of 2025 “in recog­ni­tion of the strong con­nec­tion be­tween healthy peo­ple and a healthy plan­et.”

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