As­traZeneca gives it­self top marks for R&D pro­duc­tiv­i­ty makeover — but the ju­ry is still out

Is As­traZeneca a mod­el for Big Phar­ma R&D suc­cess?

Look­ing over their num­bers for Q3 last No­vem­ber, you’d be hard pressed to make that case. Five years af­ter they promised to turn around a deeply trou­bled com­pa­ny, CEO Pas­cal So­ri­ot and his ex­ec­u­tive crew were still on the de­fen­sive as they walked an­a­lysts through the lat­est slip­page on the prod­uct rev­enue side of the busi­ness. Prod­uct sales were down 3%, fol­low­ing an 11% drop in H1. And af­ter five years at the helm, So­ri­ot was still not say­ing when the great de­cline would end.

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