As­traZeneca inks $247M deal with gen­er­a­tive AI shop Ab­sci to de­vel­op an­ti­body drug for can­cer

As­traZeneca is join­ing forces with Ab­sci in a deal worth up to $247 mil­lion fo­cused on us­ing AI to con­duct large-scale pro­tein analy­sis to de­sign a new an­ti­body-based drug can­di­date for can­cer.

The $247 mil­lion to­tal com­pris­es an undis­closed up­front pay­ment to Ab­sci, as well as fur­ther fund­ing and mile­stone pay­ments. Ab­sci could al­so get roy­al­ties on prod­uct sales. The Fi­nan­cial Times re­port­ed the news on Sun­day. As­traZeneca and Ab­sci did not im­me­di­ate­ly re­spond to an End­points News re­quest for com­ment, but Ab­sci con­firmed the news in a press re­lease on Mon­day morn­ing.

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