As­traZeneca pays $25M up­front, $80M eq­ui­ty in­vest­ment in­to Cel­lec­tis for gene and cell ther­a­py pact

As­traZeneca is beef­ing up its cell and gene ther­a­py po­ten­tial by col­lab­o­rat­ing with and in­vest­ing in French biotech Cel­lec­tis, start­ing out with a $25 mil­lion up­front pay­ment and an $80 mil­lion eq­ui­ty in­vest­ment.

As­traZeneca will pay Cel­lec­tis $105 mil­lion to­tal in the last quar­ter of this year, tak­ing over a 22% stake in Cel­lec­tis and 21% of vot­ing rights. As it buys up 16 mil­lion shares at $5 per share, As­traZeneca will al­so be able to add a non-vot­ing ob­serv­er to the board.

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