Atre­ca holds off de­vel­op­ment on its on­ly clin­i­cal pro­gram, cuts head­count by 40%

In a bid to ex­tend its cash run­way, Atre­ca has sus­pend­ed the clin­i­cal de­vel­op­ment of its sol­id tu­mor mon­o­clon­al an­ti­body ATRC-101, slash­ing staff num­bers by 40%. The com­pa­ny will fo­cus on its pre­clin­i­cal an­ti­body-drug con­ju­gate (ADC) as­sets in­stead.

The San Car­los, CA biotech’s Phase Ib ATRC-101 was the most ad­vanced can­di­date in its six-as­set pipeline, three of which are AD­Cs. One of its AD­Cs will be se­lect­ed as a clin­i­cal can­di­date in the com­ing months, with a pos­si­ble IND sub­mis­sion late next year at the ear­li­est.

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