Au­to-in­jectable drug mak­er Ak­ti­vax cuts 70 jobs, shuts two sites as it trims scale-up plans

Ak­ti­vax Phar­ma is shut­ting most op­er­a­tions, clos­ing two out of three fa­cil­i­ties and lay­ing off 70 em­ploy­ees due to what the drug au­to-in­jectable man­u­fac­tur­er refers to as “un­ex­pect­ed cir­cum­stances.”

“Un­for­tu­nate­ly, some of our plan­ning as­sump­tions were not re­al­ized and we had to cur­tail our scale-up plans for the time be­ing, which has led us to re­duce our work­force un­til con­di­tions change,” CEO Amir Genosar said in a state­ment to End­points News.

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