BAR­DA slows its $9B en­gine for new Covid-19 ther­a­peu­tics

The Bio­med­ical Ad­vanced Re­search and De­vel­op­ment Au­thor­i­ty is cool­ing its jets in look­ing for new, po­ten­tial Covid-19 treat­ments, at least in the near term.

An HHS spokesper­son told End­points News via email, “to date, BAR­DA has ob­lig­at­ed more than $9 bil­lion for the de­vel­op­ment and/or pur­chase of 13 ther­a­peu­tics, be­gin­ning in Feb­ru­ary 2020 with sup­port to de­vel­op Re­gen­eron’s mon­o­clon­al an­ti­body ther­a­peu­tic. Ther­a­peu­tics are an im­por­tant el­e­ment of the COVID-19 re­sponse, and we are fo­cused on the pro­grams cur­rent­ly un­der­way and/or in ne­go­ti­a­tion us­ing the funds avail­able to us.”

Endpoints News

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