Faheem Hasnain at Endpoints' #BIO22 panel (J.T. MacMillan Photography for Endpoints News)

Bat­tle-test­ed biotech ex­ecs turn to an ex­pe­ri­enced in­dus­try god­fa­ther for some board­room guid­ance

Lit­tle Sling Ther­a­peu­tics out of Ann Ar­bor, MI may be just a few days out of the start­ing gate from the an­nounce­ment of its $35 mil­lion launch round, but ex­ecs are po­si­tion­ing them­selves with­in clear sight of a key clin­i­cal fin­ish line. And they’re revving up with an ex­pe­ri­enced play­er to help guide them on the way.

The biotech is putting out word this morn­ing that Fa­heem Has­nain has agreed to god­fa­ther the drug de­vel­op­er as chair­man of the board, adding a mea­sured dash of sea­son­ing at a point when most biotechs are still strug­gling with the em­bryo stage.

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