Bausch is keen on Syn­er­gy, af­ter trou­bled con­sti­pa­tion drug mak­er files for Chap­ter 11

Syn­er­gy Phar­ma­ceu­ti­cals $SGYP has filed for bank­rupt­cy, cap­ping a mis­er­able year for the con­sti­pa­tion drug mak­er which in Oc­to­ber sug­gest­ed it did not an­tic­i­pate re­ceiv­ing any takeover of­fers, de­spite dis­play­ing a for-sale sign for months. On Wednes­day, Bausch Health $BHC — for­mer­ly Valeant — emerged from the shad­ows, with a stalk­ing horse bid for the bulk of Syn­er­gy’s as­sets for a cool $200 mil­lion.

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