Brent Saunders, Bausch + Lomb CEO (Richard Drew/AP Images)

Bausch + Lomb CEO Brent Saun­ders search­es for small­er deals while 'di­gest­ing' $1.75B Xi­idra move

In his sec­ond stint as CEO of Bausch + Lomb, Brent Saun­ders has stayed true to his deal­mak­ing rep­u­ta­tion.

Just a few months af­ter tak­ing the helm in March, Saun­ders an­nounced a deal to ac­quire the dry eye drug Xi­idra from No­var­tis for $1.75 bil­lion. The $6.6 bil­lion eye-care spe­cial­ist will now need time to work through that trans­ac­tion, which is ex­pect­ed to close by year’s end, while keep­ing an eye out for small­er deals, Saun­ders told End­points News in a Wednes­day in­ter­view.

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