Bavar­i­an Nordic makes plans to sub­mit chikun­gun­ya vac­cine for ap­proval af­ter sec­ond pos­i­tive PhI­II tri­al read­out

Bavar­i­an Nordic’s chikun­gun­ya vac­cine has suc­ceed­ed in a sec­ond Phase III tri­al in ado­les­cents and adults be­tween 12 years old and 64 years old, the Dan­ish com­pa­ny said Sun­day.

In the 3,254-pa­tient tri­al, there were “sig­nif­i­cant neu­tral­iz­ing an­ti­bod­ies” in 97% of pa­tients two weeks af­ter vac­ci­na­tion and 86% of pa­tients had sero­pro­tec­tive lev­els of neu­tral­iz­ing an­ti­bod­ies six months af­ter vac­ci­na­tion, hit­ting the co-pri­ma­ry end­points of the study.

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