Cor­rect­ed: Bay­er's Blue­Rock group moves Parkin­son's cell ther­a­py to PhII af­ter clear­ing ear­ly study

Bay­er’s Blue­Rock sub­sidiary says ear­ly da­ta sug­gest its stem cell ther­a­py is safe for pa­tients with Parkin­son’s dis­ease, of­fer­ing the first clin­i­cal proof-of-con­cept al­most four years af­ter Bay­er ac­quired the biotech.

A to­tal of 12 pa­tients re­ceived the ther­a­py, be­m­dane­pro­cel (BRT-DA01), which con­sists of dopamine-pro­duc­ing neu­rons de­rived from em­bry­on­ic hu­man stem cells that are then sur­gi­cal­ly im­plant­ed in­to the brain. The ther­a­py was well-tol­er­at­ed in a Phase I study, Blue­Rock said, with no safe­ty events.

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