Bill Anderson, Bayer CEO (Photographer: Krisztian Bocsi/Bloomberg via Getty Images)

Bay­er’s turn­around plan: Fo­cus on spe­cial­ty drugs, low­er costs and few­er big bets

Af­ter a se­ries of bru­tal set­backs that have chopped Bay­er’s mar­ket val­ue by around 21% in the last month, the Ger­man drug­mak­er un­veiled an over­hauled strat­e­gy in­volv­ing few­er big bets, a fo­cus on its ear­ly pipeline, and plans to use its re­sources at home in Ger­many to low­er costs.

On a Tues­day morn­ing call with in­vestors, new CEO Bill An­der­son said that de­spite the re­cent dis­ap­point­ments, Bay­er has a “healthy” ear­ly-stage pipeline that could still yield pos­i­tive mile­stones, ac­cord­ing to a tran­script pro­vid­ed by Al­phaSense. “We have eight INDs so far this year and we’re still work­ing on some,” he said.

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