John Oyler, BeiGene CEO (Endpoints News, PharmCube)

BeiGene fur­ther in­vests in AD­Cs with sol­id tu­mor part­ner Du­al­i­ty­Bio, a BioN­Tech col­lab­o­ra­tor

BeiGene is ex­pand­ing its can­cer ar­se­nal with an an­ti­body-drug con­ju­gate deal, en­list­ing the same Shang­hai biotech that teamed up with BioN­Tech in April.

The sol­id tu­mor part­ner­ship with Du­al­i­ty­Bio will help BeiGene broad­en its ear­ly-stage pres­ence in the ADC field. The space has grown with the suc­cess of As­traZeneca and Dai­ichi Sankyo’s breast can­cer treat­ment En­her­tu, Pfiz­er’s planned $43 bil­lion ac­qui­si­tion of Seagen, and a se­ries of in­dus­try col­lab­o­ra­tions look­ing to make the next big dent in on­col­o­gy.

Endpoints News

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