Christina Takke and Willem Broekaert, co-founders and managing partners of V-Bio Ventures

Bel­gian VC be­hind Ab­b­Vie-owned Syn­de­si clos­es sec­ond in­vest­ment fund, se­cur­ing nine-fig­ure raise

Since start­ing up in 2015, a Bel­gian VC has been in­volved in back­ing sev­er­al biotechs — with one that has al­ready gone on to a buy­out. That biotech was Syn­de­si, which just got picked up by Ab­b­Vie ear­li­er this month for up to $1 bil­lion in a back­end-heavy deal.

Less than a month af­ter the Syn­de­si ac­qui­si­tion and two weeks af­ter ra­dio­phar­ma R&D up­start Pre­cir­ix net­ted $88 mil­lion in a Se­ries B, the VC, V-Bio Ven­tures, now has more mon­ey to work with. The VC an­nounced ear­ly Thurs­day that it has of­fi­cial­ly closed its sec­ond in­vest­ment fund, apt­ly named V-Bio Fund 2.

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