Ben­e­fits of Lil­ly's di­a­betes can­di­date tirzepatide aren't bet­ter than oth­er di­a­betes drugs, says watch­dog ICER

Eli Lil­ly’s tirzepatide — the type 2 di­a­betes can­di­date and Trulic­i­ty’s heir ap­par­ent, pro­ject­ed to be a megablock­buster drug with­in the next five years — has been wait­ing on the FDA to give it the OK. Yet ac­cord­ing to cost watch­dog ICER, there is still some doubt about just how use­ful it can be to pa­tients when com­pared to top ri­vals.

The In­sti­tute for Clin­i­cal and Eco­nom­ic Re­view re­leased its re­port on the drug can­di­date ear­li­er to­day, giv­ing ev­i­dence for the drug a “B+” rat­ing and say­ing “the ev­i­dence pro­vides high cer­tain­ty that tirzepatide de­liv­ers at least a small net health ben­e­fit when added to back­ground ther­a­py, with the pos­si­bil­i­ty of a sub­stan­tial net health ben­e­fit.”

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