Who pays the most (and least) in bio­phar­ma? We crunched me­di­an salary da­ta from 175 com­pa­nies

Bio­phar­ma jobs con­tin­ue to be par­tic­u­lar­ly lu­cra­tive, with well over 100 life sci­ences com­pa­nies pay­ing their me­di­an em­ploy­ee more than $100,000 in 2022, ac­cord­ing to an End­points News analy­sis.

Af­ter re­view­ing hun­dreds of reg­u­la­to­ry fil­ings, End­points com­piled da­ta from 175 phar­ma­ceu­ti­cal, biotech, and life sci­ences com­pa­nies that dis­closed their me­di­an em­ploy­ee com­pen­sa­tion last year. While there are lim­i­ta­tions in com­par­ing fig­ures, they give a rare look at how much com­pa­nies pay work­ers.

Endpoints News

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