President Biden (AP Images)

Biden sets a 45-day count­down for 'com­pre­hen­sive' plan to tack­le drug pric­ing — while cham­pi­oning some fa­mil­iar poli­cies

Should the phar­ma in­dus­try be brac­ing for new bat­tles on drug pric­ing?

In an ex­ec­u­tive or­der that might serve as a pre­lude for what’s to come, Pres­i­dent Joe Biden spot­light­ed some fa­mil­iar pol­i­cy pro­pos­als while di­rect­ing the HHS to “is­sue a com­pre­hen­sive plan with­in 45 days to com­bat high pre­scrip­tion drug prices and price goug­ing.”

The EO an­nounce­ment comes on the heels of a call by House Speak­er Nan­cy Pelosi to at­tach drug pric­ing re­form to the cur­rent bud­get bill. The cen­tral fig­ure be­hind a sweep­ing bill to tack­le drug prices that’s passed the House, Pelosi pub­licly re­ject­ed the in­dus­try’s ar­gu­ment that low­er­ing prices would harm in­no­va­tion.

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