BIO's Sanofi-sponsored video features a grandfather and grandson who speak about the challenges of having hemophilia (BBC StoryWorks Commercial Productions/Biotechnology Innovation Organization)

BIO re­news video se­ries with new phar­ma part­ners, in­clud­ing Pfiz­er, Eli Lil­ly and Mer­ck

In­dus­try trade group BIO’s lat­est pro­mo­tion­al film se­ries was pro­duced with be­hind-the-scenes help from rough­ly three dozen new part­ners, in­clud­ing Bay­er, Eli Lil­ly, Mer­ck and Pfiz­er.

BIO un­veiled the sec­ond it­er­a­tion of its film project, pro­duced by BBC Sto­ry­Works Com­mer­cial Pro­duc­tions, ti­tled “Na­ture’s Build­ing Blocks,” on Tues­day, fea­tur­ing short doc­u­men­tary-style clips spon­sored by sev­er­al phar­ma part­ners, in­clud­ing re­turn­ing col­lab­o­ra­tor Sanofi.

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