Lon Schneider, USC

Bio­gen comes un­der re­newed fire as a lead­ing Alzheimer's ex­pert rais­es se­ri­ous ques­tions about the ad­u­canum­ab da­ta

Bio­gen ex­ecs have lots of ex­plain­ing to do lat­er this week if they ex­pect to hold on to the mas­sive up­swing in mar­ket cap $BI­IB the big biotech ex­pe­ri­enced with their up­beat as­sess­ment of their chances of win­ning an FDA ap­proval of ad­u­canum­ab as the first dis­ease-mod­i­fy­ing ther­a­py for Alzheimer’s — wide­ly con­sid­ered the gold­en tick­et in R&D to­day for a megablock­buster mar­ket.

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