Bio­gen chair Ste­lios Pa­padopou­los takes his in­vest­ing ex­pe­ri­ence to the SPAC par­ty, rais­ing $100M for a blank check deal

A long­time biotech vet — and one of the best con­nect­ed ex­ecs in the in­dus­try — is jump­ing in­to the SPAC game, en­ter­ing the play­ing field with $100 mil­lion in the blank check com­pa­ny.

Ste­lios Pa­padopou­los, the chair­man of Bio­gen since 2014, closed the $100 mil­lion raise Fri­day as he seeks a biotech part­ner to go pub­lic through a re­verse merg­er. The SPAC, called Eu­crates Bio­med­ical Ac­qui­si­tion, priced at $10 per share and each share comes with one-third of a war­rant that can be used to buy shares at $11.50 each.

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