Bio­gen clos­es out its oph­thal­mol­o­gy R&D work, dump­ing off a C3 ther­a­py

A few weeks af­ter South San Fran­cis­co-based Cat­a­lyst Bio­sciences brought in some ad­vis­ers to help suss out their “strate­gic op­por­tu­ni­ties,” the crew at the strug­gling pen­ny stock play­er now has one more as­set to play with.

Bio­gen has dumped off the rights it ac­quired for $15 mil­lion in cash and a few hun­dred mil­lion in mile­stones for CB 2782-PEG, a C3-de­grad­er for the treat­ment of dry AMD. It had been viewed as a pos­si­ble ri­val to Apel­lis as it looked to take on some heavy­weight com­pe­ti­tion, but there’s no word why Bio­gen — large­ly fo­cused on CNS dis­eases — want­ed out.

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