Al Sandrock, Biogen R&D chief (Biogen via YouTube)

Bio­gen en­lists un­der-the-radar AAV en­gi­neers as it pumps gene ther­a­pies in­to the pipeline

Bio­gen, fac­ing a thin pipeline be­yond their con­tro­ver­sial lead Alzheimer’s can­di­date, has been load­ing up on gene ther­a­py col­lab­o­ra­tions, hop­ing to find their next break­through from the emerg­ing field.

To aid in that search, they have now en­list­ed a new com­pa­ny that just launched to take on one of the biggest tech­ni­cal chal­lenges in gene ther­a­py: Build­ing vec­tors that can safe­ly de­liv­er healthy genes to the right tis­sues and cell types and on­ly the right tis­sues and cell types.

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