Bio­gen out­break con­tin­ues to spur new coro­n­avirus cas­es in Mass­a­chu­setts as health of­fi­cials strug­gle to keep up with test­ing de­mands

The num­ber of coro­n­avirus cas­es in Mass­a­chu­setts surged to 108 on Thurs­day, as the case­load from the Bio­gen out­break con­tin­ued to swell. State health of­fi­cials say they have now tracked 108 cas­es, with 82 of them tied di­rect­ly to staffers or close con­tacts of em­ploy­ees who at­tend­ed Bio­gen’s strat­e­gy meet­ing at the Boston Mar­riott Long Wharf in late Feb­ru­ary.

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