Bio­gen slams cov­er­age pro­pos­al for amy­loid-tar­get­ed Alzheimer's drugs in 31-page com­ment

With about two months left be­fore the Cen­ters for Medicare and Med­ic­aid Ser­vices fi­nal­izes its cov­er­age de­ci­sion on amy­loid-tar­get­ed Alzheimer’s drugs, Bio­gen on Thurs­day closed out the com­ment pe­ri­od with an­oth­er push to re­verse the re­stric­tive cov­er­age pro­pos­al.

The com­pa­ny sub­mit­ted a 31-page com­ment to­day, rail­ing against the CMS draft and call­ing for ma­jor changes be­fore it’s fi­nal­ized in April. Al­most 7,000 com­ments have now been filed on the NCD, many of them sup­port­ive of CMS’ pro­pos­al, which calls for an ad­di­tion­al ran­dom­ized con­trolled tri­al be­fore wider cov­er­age for Bio­gen’s Aduhelm (ad­u­canum­ab).

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