Bio­Mar­in's Roc­ta­vian strug­gles con­tin­ue. Is a di­vest­ment in the fu­ture?

Less than a year in­to a rocky roll­out for its gene ther­a­py Roc­ta­vian, Bio­Marin is now talk­ing about whether the prod­uct might be a bet­ter fit out­side the com­pa­ny, and cut­ting sev­er­al pipeline pro­grams.

On Wednes­day, CEO Alexan­der Hardy said that the biotech com­pa­ny is look­ing at plans for the he­mo­phil­ia A treat­ment, which brought in just $800,000 in the first quar­ter. If up­take doesn’t im­prove, Hardy said Bio­Marin may con­sid­er cut­ting the drug from its port­fo­lio al­to­geth­er.

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