BioN­Tech and Takara en­ter li­cense agree­ment for CAR-T; The FDA has freed an­oth­er batch of J&J's Covid-19 vac­cine

Takara Bio has en­tered an agree­ment with BioN­Tech to li­cense out its RetroNectin plat­form.

Un­der the agree­ment, the Ger­man BioN­Tech will be able to use Retro­Net­ic for the pro­duc­tion of cell and gene ther­a­py prod­ucts, in par­tic­u­lar, CAR T cell ther­a­pies for the treat­ment of mul­ti­ple sol­id tu­mors.

The tech­nol­o­gy al­lows ef­fi­cient gene trans­duc­tion through retro­virus and lentivirus vec­tor and ex­pan­sion of T-cells. RetroNectin is a re­com­bi­nant hu­man fi­bronectin frag­ment that con­tains three func­tion­al do­mains: cell-bind­ing, the he­parin-bind­ing and the CS-1 se­quence. It’s one of the most com­mon stan­dard pro­to­cols used for en­gi­neered T-cell ther­a­py, Takara says.

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