Uğur Şahin, BioNTech CEO (Sebastian Gollnow/picture-alliance/dpa/AP Images)

BioN­Tech grabs PD-L1/VEGF bis­pe­cif­ic with $55M up­front, ex­pand­ing pipeline while low­er­ing Covid guid­ance

As BioN­Tech con­tin­ues to beef up its on­col­o­gy pipeline, it’s once again turn­ing to a Chi­nese part­ner.

The Ger­man biotech is putting down $55 mil­lion up­front for a col­lab­o­ra­tion deal with Bio­theus, which is based out of Zhuhai, Chi­na. In re­turn, BioN­Tech will get a glob­al ex-Chi­na li­cense of PM8002, a bis­pe­cif­ic si­mul­ta­ne­ous­ly tar­get­ing PD-L1 and VEGF now be­ing test­ed in Phase II stud­ies in Chi­na, the com­pa­nies said Mon­day morn­ing. BioN­Tech re­turned to the re­gion af­ter strik­ing two an­ti­body-drug con­ju­gate pacts ear­li­er this year.

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