BioNTech CEO Uğur Şahin (AP Images)

BioN­Tech to ex­plore po­ten­tial of de­liv­er­ing mR­NA vac­cines oral­ly with new part­ner

Af­ter a Covid-19 vac­cine suc­cess with part­ner Pfiz­er, and as the rest of its mR­NA pipeline starts churn­ing out da­ta, BioN­Tech wants to go an­oth­er de­liv­ery route with its jabs: oral­ly.

The Ger­man biotech is pay­ing an undis­closed amount to gain ex­clu­sive ac­cess to New Jer­sey-based Mati­nas Bio­Phar­ma’s lipid nanocrys­tal, or LNC, drug de­liv­ery plat­form. Keep in mind, that BioN­Tech/Pfiz­er’s Comir­naty is de­liv­ered with lipid nanopar­ti­cles.

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