Bio­phar­ma BD teams are speed­ing in­to the fast lane — cash in hand — as deal­mak­ing con­tin­ues to heat up in Q1 of­fen­sive

The charts for deal­mak­ing in bio­phar­ma now are be­ing re­drawn as the in­dus­try heads up in­to record-set­ting ter­ri­to­ry.

Our num­bers crunch­er Chris Doko­ma­ji­lar, who runs Deal­For­ma, as­sessed the fig­ures for Q1 the oth­er day and came up with $38 bil­lion in to­tal — up­front, eq­ui­ty and mile­stones — from 282 deals. That’s up from the last record, $33 bil­lion in Q4 2018, from 324 deals.

Cash out of those deals came in at a chart-top­ping $3.9 bil­lion, up a tick from $3.8 bil­lion at the end of 2018 and a match with the pre­vi­ous record in 2012, which pre­saged a dip for the in­dus­try.

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