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Bio­phar­ma ends decade with near-record in­vest­ment — but is it go­ing to the right places?

In 2009, the mood at JP Mor­gan was somber. I wasn’t there —  your hum­ble cor­re­spon­dent was learn­ing al­ge­bra at the time — but that year, the fi­nan­cial cri­sis came to biotech and con­ver­sa­tions at the of­ten-au­da­cious West­in cen­tered around sheer sur­vival. The tra­di­tion­al lav­ish open­ing-night gala was can­celed.

Ven­ture fund­ing would in­deed fall that year, but what fol­lowed was a decade of al­most unim­ped­ed growth. Af­ter the amount raised for health­care ven­ture crashed 65% to $1.8 bil­lion in 2009, it dou­bled back in 2010 to $3.6 bil­lion and, ac­cord­ing to the an­nu­al re­port just re­leased by SVB Leerink, grew un­til the amount raised in the last year of the decade was $10.7 bil­lion, more than five times the first year.

“We’ve seen a re­al­ly nice up­cy­cle since 2013 in IPOs and in­vest­ment,” re­port au­thor Jonathan Nor­ris told End­points News. “And a lot of peo­ple in 2016 thought the ride was over but now here we are in 2020, and we’ve had the best two years we’ve seen.”

Endpoints News

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