Biotech bil­lion­aire faces ac­cu­sa­tions of fraud for $1.3B 'catch-and-kil­l' can­cer drug deal

When biotech bil­lion­aire Patrick Soon-Sh­iong arranged a $90 mil­lion up­front pay­ment to Sor­ren­to from Nant­Phar­ma 4 years ago to ac­quire Cynvil­oq — promis­ing $1.2 bil­lion more in mile­stones — he her­ald­ed the deal, say­ing an “op­por­tu­ni­ty to de­vel­op com­bi­na­tion reg­i­mens of low-dose metro­nom­ic use of this ac­tive drug is an im­por­tant step in trans­form­ing can­cer care as we know it to­day.”

For his part, Sor­ren­to CEO Hen­ry Ji said he was “ex­cit­ed” that Soon-Sh­iong had stepped in to speed these new com­bos along.

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