Richard Marsden, Synairgen CEO

Biotech shares evis­cer­at­ed in wake of Covid-19 flop

When Southamp­ton, UK-based Synair­gen last up­dat­ed its in­vestors, CEO Richard Mars­den spot­light­ed the progress it’s mak­ing on the Phase III SPRINT­ER tri­al for the lead can­di­date, SNG001, an in­haled in­ter­fer­on be­ta for­mu­la­tion, for pa­tients hos­pi­tal­ized for Covid-19. The biotech was build­ing the in­fra­struc­ture to pre­pare for an EUA in the US and sub­se­quent ap­provals around the world, and pos­i­tive da­ta from the tri­al, it added, would “rep­re­sent a ma­jor break­through in the bat­tle against Covid-19.”

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