Biotech’s new­born uni­corn Sana grabs Har­vard tech aimed at slip­ping en­gi­neered stem cells past the im­mune sys­tem

Af­ter lead­ing one of the ear­ly pi­o­neers in cus­tomized can­cer ther­a­pies us­ing pa­tient cells for CAR-T, the found­ing ex­ecs at Sana Biotech­nol­o­gy are now nail­ing down the IP for a new gen­er­a­tion of off-the-shelf cell ther­a­pies that they be­lieve can have built-in pro­tec­tion against an im­mune re­sponse. And they’re throw­ing in some open ac­cess tech on gene edit­ing to boot.

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