Minnesota Attorney General Keith Ellison (Abbie Parr/AP Images)

More than two dozen at­tor­neys gen­er­al push Medicare to cov­er new Alzheimer's treat­ments

Twen­ty-six at­tor­neys gen­er­al on both sides of the aisle called on Medicare on Mon­day to cov­er an­ti­body-based Alzheimer’s treat­ments like Ei­sai and Bio­gen’s Leqem­bi (lecanemab) with­out re­stric­tions and to re­verse a con­tro­ver­sial pol­i­cy that lim­its cov­er­age to pa­tients in clin­i­cal tri­als.

The let­ter, led by Ok­la­homa At­tor­ney Gen­er­al Gen­tner Drum­mond and Min­neso­ta’s Kei­th El­li­son, asked CMS for “full and un­re­strict­ed cov­er­age” of FDA-ap­proved mon­o­clon­al an­ti­bod­ies di­rect­ed against amy­loid for Alzheimer’s treat­ment. The push for change comes from 23 states, the Dis­trict of Co­lum­bia and two US ter­ri­to­ries too.

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