Bi­par­ti­san law­mak­ers pres­sure FDA on com­mon chemother­a­pies now in short­age

The US House of Rep­re­sen­ta­tives has turned a sharp eye to drug short­ages over the past few months, with hear­ings and new cau­cus­es to try and damp­en the sit­u­a­tion, but an­oth­er bi­par­ti­san let­ter sent yes­ter­day to FDA aims to keep the pres­sure up on can­cer drug short­ages.

Reps. Deb­bie Din­gell (D-MI) and Tim Wal­berg (R-MI) penned the let­ter to FDA Com­mis­sion­er Rob Califf, ex­press­ing con­cerns around the short­ages of two com­mon­ly used chemother­a­pies used to treat can­cer, known as cis­platin and car­bo­platin, which are used for lung, gy­ne­co­log­ic and breast can­cers, as well as methotrex­ate, which is used in treat­ing oth­er forms of can­cer.

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