Nick Leschly, bluebird bio CEO (Jeff Rumans)

Blue­bird forced to halt tri­als af­ter a can­cer-like case, pulls gene ther­a­pies from Eu­rope fol­low­ing pric­ing back­lash — shares slammed

Blue­bird bio halt­ed a tri­al for its gene ther­a­py for a rare neu­ro­log­i­cal dis­ease af­ter find­ing that the treat­ment like­ly caused a can­cer-like con­di­tion in one pa­tient, the com­pa­ny an­nounced Mon­day.

A boy with cere­bral adrenoleukody­s­tro­phy was di­ag­nosed with myelodys­plas­tic syn­drome, a con­di­tion that can de­vel­op in­to leukemia, af­ter re­ceiv­ing eli-cel, a gene ther­a­py that the com­pa­ny has shown can of­ten halt the fa­tal dis­or­der and which they had planned to file for US ap­proval lat­er this year. Two oth­er pa­tients are al­so be­ing mon­i­tored for sim­i­lar symp­toms, and the FDA has put a clin­i­cal hold on eli-cel tri­als.

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