Boehringer calls off €627M deal with GSK spin­out, pass­ing on schiz­o­phre­nia drug op­tion

Boehringer In­gel­heim has walked away from a schiz­o­phre­nia pro­gram it once called an “un­prece­dent­ed ther­a­peu­tic con­cept,” tak­ing €627.5 mil­lion off the ta­ble for its biotech part­ner.

Steve­nage, UK-based Au­ti­fony not­ed that over the past three years, it’s col­lab­o­rat­ed with Boehringer to demon­strate tar­get en­gage­ment, bio­mark­er da­ta and safe­ty for its lead Kv3 mod­u­la­tor, AUT00206, as well as mov­ing a sec­ond mol­e­cule in­to Phase I.

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