Rob Califf (AP Photo/Manuel Balce Ceneta)

Af­ter a con­tentious lead-up, Rob Califf like­ly to be con­firmed as FDA com­mis­sion­er next week

Rob Califf, Pres­i­dent Biden’s nom­i­nee for FDA com­mis­sion­er, is like­ly to be con­firmed by the Sen­ate as soon as next week, as Sen­ate ma­jor­i­ty leader Chuck Schumer on Thurs­day filed to close de­bate on his nom­i­na­tion.

Califf has bat­tled back from los­ing the sup­port of al­most a half dozen De­moc­rats, for var­i­ous rea­sons that are most­ly un­re­lat­ed to him, as well as Re­pub­li­can op­po­si­tion due to FDA’s moves around mail-or­der birth con­trol. But now he like­ly has enough Re­pub­li­can votes for con­fir­ma­tion, oth­er­wise Schumer would not have filed for clo­ture. Which Re­pub­li­cans are back­ing Califf re­mains un­known.

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