William Pao (L) and Hans Clevers

Pfiz­er raids Roche ex­ec­u­tive com­mit­tee for new drug de­vel­op­ment chief — and Schwan plucks his re­place­ment from the board

Pfiz­er has found its new chief of drug de­vel­op­ment, and they’ve dis­patched a raid­ing par­ty to Basel to pluck him off the ex­ec­u­tive com­mit­tee at Roche.

William Pao, who took over as head of pRED af­ter John Reed ex­it­ed to take the R&D chief post at Sanofi in 2018, is head­ed to the ex­ec­u­tive com­mit­tee at Pfiz­er now, where he’ll re­port to Al­bert Bourla in New York. And he has a big re­mit that in­cludes “in­flam­ma­tion and im­munol­o­gy, in­ter­nal med­i­cine, hos­pi­tal, on­col­o­gy and rare dis­ease, as well as reg­u­la­to­ry af­fairs in sup­port of Pfiz­er’s R&D pipeline and port­fo­lio of mar­ket­ed ther­a­pies.”

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