Hal Barron, GSK

Break­ing the death spi­ral: Hal Bar­ron talks about trans­form­ing the mori­bund R&D cul­ture at GSK in a crit­i­cal year for the late-stage pipeline

Just ahead of Glax­o­SmithK­line’s Q2 up­date on Wednes­day, sci­ence chief Hal Bar­ron is mak­ing the rounds to talk up the phar­ma gi­ant’s late-stage strat­e­gy as the top ex­ecs con­tin­ue to woo back a deeply skep­ti­cal in­vestor group while push­ing through a whole new R&D cul­ture.

And that’s not easy, Bar­ron is quick to note. He told the Fi­nan­cial Times:

I think that cul­ture, to some ex­tent, is as hard, in fact even hard­er, than do­ing the sci­ence.

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