Jacob Van Naarden, Lilly Oncology

With Paz­dur prepar­ing to low­er the boom on its PD-1, Eli Lil­ly spells out the deep dis­count on of­fer

Eli Lil­ly’s crew is walk­ing in­to an ad­comm Thurs­day where the key de­ci­sion mak­er from the FDA — on­col­o­gy czar Richard Paz­dur — has clear­ly in­di­cat­ed he’s go­ing to fight to nix their ap­pli­ca­tion for the PD-1 can­di­date sin­til­imab. Now Eli Lil­ly is mak­ing a counter move, spelling out in de­tail just what they mean about their ear­li­er com­ments about dis­rupt­ing the huge check­point mar­ket with dis­count pric­ing for this drug.

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