In­vestor op­po­si­tion to Bris­tol-My­er­s' $74B Cel­gene buy­out grows as ac­tivist Star­board joins the re­bel­lion

Bris­tol-My­ers Squibb and Cel­gene have a big prob­lem on their hands.

Af­ter the mar­ket closed Wednes­day, Bris­tol-My­ers’ largest in­vestor, Welling­ton Man­age­ment, moved to voice its op­po­si­tion to the com­pa­ny’s $74 bil­lion mega-merg­er with Cel­gene. Some an­a­lysts — though not all — im­me­di­ate­ly flagged the move as a re­al threat to the deal, rais­ing the risk that a ma­jor move like this could stir a wide­spread re­bel­lion among share­hold­ers.

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