Kristen Hege

Bris­tol My­ers of­fers a $100,000 vote of sup­port for Kris­ten Hege's ad­ven­tur­ous fundrais­ing cam­paign

Kris­ten Hege made quite a few friends in bio­phar­ma dur­ing her lengthy ca­reer in R&D. In ad­di­tion to play­ing a lead­ing role in ad­vanc­ing new break­throughs like CAR-T, she’s had a last­ing im­pact among her col­leagues in drug de­vel­op­ment.

And some of them are help­ing her on her lat­est quest: hik­ing the Pa­cif­ic Crest Trail while rais­ing funds to en­cour­age more young women to pur­sue a ca­reer in drug R&D.

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